Ragnarok Online

From StarCraft ballads hitting the pop charts to players dying in Internet cafes, Korea is one country that loves the PC. Ragnarok Online, one of Korea’s popular MMORPGs, has now been translated and published Stateside.
The world
Ragnarok Online is based on the fantasy comic series Ragnarok, by Myung-Jin Lee, published in the U.S. by TokyoPop. These comics take elements of Norse mythology and blend them with classic fantasy tales and Asian design. It’s an entertaining serial adventure of gods and warriors.
The world of these comics is re-created online, with 10 different lands/environments and 20 different job classes that are earned through a hierarchal chart.
The hook
Ragnarok Online claims to be one of the top MMORPGs in Korea, so it must be doing something right. Appealingly, a 15-day free trial is available in the States, but be prepared for a long download—at least the game has bite-sized split RAR files.
Thankfully, the interface system allows you to play windowed, so you can battle the beasties while writing e-mail.